7 Most Common Injuries in Volleyball and How to Prevent Them

Common Injuries in Volleyball: An Overview

Volleyball, a globally loved sport, is not without its share of injuries. This write-up delves into the most common injuries in volleyball, their origins, treatment options, and measures for prevention.

Volleyball Injuries: A Closer Look

Volleyball-related injuries can be split into two categories: acute and overuse injuries. Acute injuries are sudden, such as a twisted ankle or fractured finger. Overuse injuries develop gradually due to repetitive strain on certain body parts, leading to ailments like tendinitis or stress fractures.

Ankle Sprains

The most frequent volleyball injury is the ankle sprain, a result of ligaments supporting the ankle stretching beyond their capacity and tearing.


Ankle sprains in volleyball commonly occur when a player lands on another’s foot or twists their ankle upon landing.


Immediate response to an ankle sprain includes rest, ice application, compression, and elevation (RICE). Severe cases may require physical therapy or surgical intervention.


High-top volleyball shoes and ankle braces can aid in preventing ankle sprains. Moreover, balance and proprioception exercises can fortify the ankles and enhance stability.

Common Injuries in Volleyball

Finger Injuries

Finger injuries, such as fractures, dislocations, and sprains, are prevalent in volleyball due to the sport’s high-impact nature.


These injuries frequently happen when a player tries to block or spike the ball.


Treatment depends on the injury severity and type. Fractures or dislocations may need splinting, taping, or casting, while sprains might just require rest and ice application.


Many finger injuries can be avoided by using proper blocking and spiking techniques. Finger sleeves or tape can also provide protection.

Knee Injuries

Patellar tendinitis, commonly known as jumper’s knee, is common among volleyball players due to the repetitive jumping and landing involved.


The main culprit for knee injuries in volleyball is overuse and stress on the knee joint from constant jumping.


Knee injuries are usually treated with rest, physiotherapy, and in severe cases, surgery.


Strength training and flexibility exercises can help prevent knee injuries. A knee brace can provide additional stability.

Shoulder Injuries

Overuse of the shoulder joint can lead to injuries like rotator cuff tendinitis and shoulder impingements.


These injuries are generally caused by repetitive overhead actions like serving and spiking the ball.


Common treatments for shoulder injuries include rest, ice, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medicines. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.


Proper serving and spiking techniques can help prevent shoulder injuries. Strengthening exercises focusing on the rotator cuff and scapular muscles can also improve shoulder stability.

For more on injury prevention, check out our netball injuries prevention and management essential tips.


Injuries are an unfortunate reality of any sport, including volleyball. However, by understanding the common injuries in volleyball, their causes, and prevention strategies, players can remain healthy and fully enjoy the game. Always adhere to proper techniques, wear suitable protective gear, and be mindful of your body’s signals to avoid overuse injuries.

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